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A Day in the Life

A typical day looks different for every family as you have the flexibility to create a schedule that works best for your learner and your circumstances


"It’s a good learning experience, because you get more attention. You can decide when to do your work. You can decide what order you do things in and where to do your work. Like, if you want some space outside, you can go outside and do your work there. You can take breaks whenever you need to."


"We tried Virtual Academy, because it was the best fit for our needs at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have stayed in Virtual Academy because we find that the flexibility and independence that it offers is a good fit for our family. Having more control over our schedule allows us to travel more freely, participate in more extracurricular activities and minimize absences due to illness. When the weather is nice, we even try to take some of our work with us to the park or the local arboretum."







Our online platform will provide your learner with a list of lessons that should be completed each school day, but when and where that work is done each day is up to you.

While students have work each school day, we know that developmentally, students should not be online 100% of the time. In grades K-5, we aim to provide the following balance between online and offline activities and work:

  • K-1: 30% online/ 70% offline

  • 2-4: 45% online/ 55% offline

  • 5th: 70% online/ 30% offline




You are provided with all the materials your learner needs for offline work.

  • Parent/guardians or another designated Learning Coach will need to support their learner for 1-3 hours a day depending on the grade and the level of independence of the student.

    Support may be required for some of the following situations: logging in, managing schedule, offline activities, workbook feedback, ensuring work is completed, answering questions.