Elementary Virtual Academy (EVA)
A flexible, personalized educational option for elementary learners
Serving students in kindergarten through 5th grade, the elementary Virtual Academy works to collaborate with students and families to create personalized learning experiences for each student that include tailored instruction based on student needs, access to district resources, and opportunities for one-on-one instruction.
Program Highlights
Students and families have access to the vast array of district resources, both academic and extracurricular.
Academic Resources:
Gifted, Title 1, Special Education, ELL, MTSS tiered intervention, and counseling services with SCASD faculty either in a school building or through scheduled Google Meets
Our faculty provide multiple opportunities for students to engage and socialize with their peers virtually through: weekly class meetings, monthly K-5 gatherings, lunch bunch get togethers, interactive virtual field trips, and community engagement events.
We partner with community groups such as:
Snetzinger Garden
Discovery Space
The SCASD Elementary Virtual Academy utilizes the Fuel K12 curriculum. Designed to provide a rich, balanced, learning experience, the program offers a combination of online and offline activities and lessons. Families receive all the materials they need to complete the units.